
Tracy Playle Tracy Playle

Turning social media into your top recruitment tool

How can we use social media to become one of our top student recruitment and enrolment marketing tools? Hear our Content and Experience Designer, Mikki Collins, featured on the Confessions of a Higher Ed Social Media Manager podcast with Jenny Li Fowler.

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Tracy Playle Tracy Playle

What if we treated student recruitment like online dating?

If student recruitment and enrolment marketing were online dating, students would be swiping right on universities that align with their values, aspirations, and ambitions. So, what can university marketers learn from online dating platforms to refine their student recruitment and enrolment marketing strategies?

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Tracy Playle Tracy Playle

Bold education brands and the fear of standing out

Universities are known for their sameness and rarely are seen to create bold brands that truly stand out. But now more than ever universities need to embrace the courage to stand out and develop bold brands.

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