Five things I learnt at my first ContentEd
Our Senior Content Strategist highlights his top five takeaways from his first time at the ContentEd conference.
Mapping online influence at ContentEd
Our Head of Research maps the online conversations and influence on Twitter during ContentEd 2019.
Building a career in content
How do you build a career in content? We asked five experts, working in-house and consultancies, how they got into content-focused roles.
So you want to work in content?
Our Senior Content Strategist, Rachel Smith, shares her five top tips to help you prepare to pursue your dream career in content.
Why we shouldn’t make content decisions based on analytics data
Are analytics the best place to look for data to inform new content decisions? Our CEO, Tracy Playle, argues why we shouldn’t base big decisions on analytics data.
Britain’s next top content model
As institutions move towards a Create Once Publish Everywhere (COPE) model, Rachel Smith explains how to develop your own content model to help you understand how different aspects of your organisation relate to each other.
9 ingredients for stories that taste of tension
How do we create stories that have the necessary tension for our audiences? Our Senior Content Strategist shares nine tips to maintain tension in your storytelling.
What words would work?
Our Head of Research reflects on why we should avoid using jargon in external-facing communications, and instead opt for language that aligns more with our audience.
Getting excited about intranets
Our Senior Content Strategist reflects on how we can creatively use our intranets to express the key priorities and values within our university strategies.
What can we learn from D&G’s lesson in China?
Our Chinese Social Media Specialist unpacks the recent Dolce and Gabbana communications crisis in China and emphasises the importance of cross-cultural comms.
The digital detox demographic
Our Content Strategist, Rachel Smith, shares a few youth brands that are creatively engaging young people on other offline platforms beyond social media.
Creating useable strategies instead of dust collectors
Our CEO, Tracy Playle, shares five key elements that you should consider when designing a strategy to ensure it gets implemented, including accountability, actionability, flexibility, compatibility, and transferability.
Mapping online influence at #UUKCOMMS 2018
Our Head of Research spoke at Universities UK’s conference about mapping online influence – so he also created a post-conference map of social media conversations using the #UUKComms hashtag.
What I learnt at Highedweb 2018 as a content strategist
In the second post from a two-part series, our Content Strategist, Rosie Wowk, shares her key takeaways from this year’s HighEdWeb conference in Sacramento, CA.
What I learnt at Highedweb 2018 as a research analyst
After attending HighEdWeb 2018, our Research Analyst shares her takeaways on representing diversity on university websites and embedding empathy in content creation and data collection.
Engaging student communities on ZHIHU
What is Zhihu and why are students engaging with its content? Our Chinese Social Media Specialist explains why this community question-answering site is so popular in China.
What is content strategy?
What do we mean by “content strategy”? Rachel explores the evolution of the term while sharing our own developed definition of content strategy.
Is your university’s story a 2,000 word tinder bio?
In his latest post, our Head of Content, John Hill, explains why less is more in storytelling and how to plant the seed of a great story for your audience.
Mapping influence at ContentEd 2018
Robert Perry, our Head of Research, spoke at ContentEd 2018 about influence mapping on social media, and how this can become part of your content strategy. So we thought we’d create an map of online influence just for the two day conference.
Crafting content that shows you care
Carewords appeal to the emotional side of audience decision-making, as well as to their factual and literal information needs that they are looking for on your website. Our Senior Content Strategist shares how to develop carewords for your university.