The impact of technologies and changing demographics on UK higher education
Our CEO, Tracy Playle, participated in a panel discussion at the Campus Management conference in May – and came back with a few unanswered questions about the impact of technology on higher education.
Using personas to understand internal stakeholders
It’s essential that key stakeholders are onboard with your project from the very start – and designing personas can help you to think about engaging your stakeholders.
Why would you switch off social?
With the recent negativity towards social media platforms in the news, our Head of Research reflects on how we can optimise our social media channels, rather than to delete them.
TikTok: a new trend on China’s social media market
Our Chinese Social Media Specialist, Altman Peng, uncovers a new trend in Chinese social media, and the potential for universities to reach prospective Chinese audiences on this video platform.
5 wishes from current students about email communications
What do students want to see from university emails? We asked some current students what would encourage them to open – and read – emails from their university.
Making the leap from writing to talking
Podcasting is becoming a popular medium for universities to experiment with. Our Head of Content, John Hill, shares how to adapt copy for different audio platforms, and use it to its full potential.
What do we mean when we talk about “storytelling”?
What makes a great story? Our Senior Content Strategist, Rachel Smith, shares three steps to creating effective and emotive university storytelling.
Mapping online influence at #CASESMC 2018
Our Head of Research, Robert Perry, headed to #CASEsmc 2018 last week to present a session on measuring and mapping social media influence. So we thought we’d create an map of online influence just for the two day conference.
Creating your content strategy for clearing 2018
With Clearing just around the corner, Pickle Jar Communications’ CEO and Chief Content Strategist, Tracy Playle, provides you with two ingredients for a successful content marketing strategy for the big event.
We haven’t had enough of experts
Studies show that public trust in technical and academic experts has actually risen. Our Head of Research reflects on the benefits of involving academics in university communications.
Teachers - the forgotten audience
Our Senior Content Strategist, Rachel Smith, shares her three top tips for producing effective content aimed at teachers, an audience often forgotten by marketing teams.
4 wishes for alumni communications from recent graduates
What do graduates actually want to see from alumni communications? Our Research Analyst, Louise Shaw, shares key findings from fellow graduates and thoughts from her own experiences.
On banning the words “prospective parents” from schools marketing
Our CEO, Tracy Playle, shares her thoughts on why schools should re-evaluate the term “prospective parents” in order to more effectively design user-centred content for their audiences.
Competitor research - more than just keeping up with the joneses
Our Head of Research, Robert Perry, looks at the benefits and drawbacks of competitor research and benchmarking.
Places to look for inspiration for your next blog post
Our CEO and Chief Content Strategist, Tracy Playle, shares a few places of inspiration to help with writing your next blog post.
Student vlogs as part of your content marketing strategy
In this blog post, Pickle Jar’s Head of Strategy, Ellie Lovell, shares a sector perspective on recruiting and managing student vloggers.
How to apply for a verified WeChat account
Our Chinese Social Media Specialist breaks down how international institutions can sign up for a verified WeChat account.
Influencer mapping of #WONKFEST17
Pickle Jar’s Junior Research Analyst maps the influence of online conversations on Twitter during Wonkfest 2017.
Isn’t it time we talked about that research tab?
Research is a major part of the business of being a university, so why do research tabs on our websites feel a bit flat? Tracy looks at a new approach.
Survey segmentation: More than just demographics
Survey segmentation is a great way to get more out of your data. Robert looks at how to break down your audience and what to do with the answers.