Using a matrix approach to create more meaningful personas
Our CEO, Tracy Playle, looks at how you can create personalised content experiences by developing personas using matrix-style approach.
Stakeholder engagement - listening is more important than speaking
Our Head of Research and Insight, Robert Perry, looks at the importance of gaining stakeholder buy-in for your projects.
50 education marketing and communication experts to follow on Twitter
Our favourite education marketing and communication experts using Twitter to share useful insights and anecdotes from the sector.
Formatting tools and tips to upgrade your WeChat content
WeChat is commonly used as a tool to reach audiences in Asia. We share our favourite tools and tips on how to make your content stand out from the crowd.
There’s too much noise on the net - and it’s our fault
We’ve all seen the stats on how much noise there is on the internet, but what are the mistakes we’re making when creating our own content?
Our guide to algorithms: Instagram
It has been all change for Instagram in the last 6 months. We look at how best to ride their new algorithm format to help keep your head above the water.
Silence is still a statement. Time to get loud
Brands have been conditioned to stay out of politics. But at times like these, can they afford not to?
15 early impressions of the new LinkedIn university pages
This week we welcome Dave Musson to the blog. A Social Media Strategist passionate about analytics, he walks you through the latest changes to LinkedIn University Pages.
Why we need to pay attention to Zhihu
Our Chinese Social Media Specialist, Altman, explains why you should be keeping an eye on the emerging question-and-answer platform, Zhihu.
Introducing ContentEd: a two day conference to advance your content strategy
We are excited to announce that Pickle Jar Communications will be hosting a two-day content strategy conference in London in June 2017.
Mapping online influence: Pickle Jar and UCL
In 2016 Pickle Jar worked with UCL to map the university’s online influence in different fields. Robert explains how we approached the work.
Our dream projects for 2017
We’ve worked on some exciting projects this year, but what’s on the team’s wish list for 2017? Find out in this collaborative post.
Pickle Jar’s creative Christmas communications round-up 2016
What has the education sector been doing this year to spread the festive cheer? Find out in this year’s creative Christmas comms round-up.
Tactics to create and maintain motivation in your student content team
Pickle Jar CEO, Tracy Playle, shares the sector’s and her own personal insights on how to keep your student content creation team engaged.
Engaging Chinese audiences through video
Video continues to grow here in the West, but how does it sit within the climate in China? Altman looks at how you can engage your audiences with video.
Our guide to algorithms: Facebook
Your Facebook feed may seem simple enough, but there’s something important going on under the hood. We take a look at algorithms and how they affect the content we consume.
Communicators in education: we really need to get our shit together
We are currently tackling a climate of anti-intellectualism. Our CEO, Tracy Playle, talks about how we as communicators in education need to find a voice to fight back.
Engaging alumni in China
Alumni relations is a relatively new concept in China, so how can you engage with your past students? Altman shares his favourite best practice examples.
Dr Diablo’s terrible tales of horrible copy
Prepared to be spooked and grossed out as John shares terrifying examples of terrible content, with tips on how to avoid falling into the same trap.
Why you should be creating content for Instagram Stories
In her latest blog post, Rosie looks at why it’s important to create new content for Instagram Stories instead of repurposing from Snapchat.